Sunday, December 15, 2013

Welcome to the Refuge Metro Mel!!!!

I know it has been awhile, Lazy disinterested no new Nokia to add to the Refuge, guilty as charged until I found this. I don't know a lot about it, from the internet I've learned this is one of 7 figurines designed by James Jarvis. Evidently he designs figurines and this is fairly rare. Welcome to the Refuge Metro Mel!!!! I honestly don't know what else I can say about this. It would be awesome to find the whole set I have a new search on Ebay now there are 6 siblings that must find their way to the Refuge. Anyway I'm still here keeping old Nokia safe from the cold hard reality of obsolescence and with that I bid you a Merry Christmas a Happy New Year and thank you for reading my silly blog. 

Questions or comments please feel free to contact me. You can follow me on Twitter at @Nokia_Refuge or contact me at

 Again the purpose of this blog is to save as many neglected or forgotten Nokia as I can. So if you have any that are in a closet or a desk drawer somewhere collecting dust. If you hate it and want to get rid of it or you love it but have no use for it and want it to live on send it to me. I will make sure that its retirement is comfortable and safe on my 1/8 acre refuge. Again I may be able to chip in for shipping but unfortunately unable to buy them as my wife would FREAKING KILL ME.

And it doesn't need to be a phone if it says Nokia its welcome here.

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